Clean Skin and Body Care Products for a Healthier You

Endocrine disruptors are just one of many chemicals found in body care products, cosmetics, water, plastics, etc. These chemicals are harmful to our health in a myriad of ways. Today I am going to focus on endocrine disruptors but I could easily do another post on other toxins that impact our health on a daily basis.

Endocrine disruptors are natural or human-made chemicals that interfere with the functioning of our endocrine system and, in turn, our body’s hormones. Endocrine disruptors can lead to reproductive and other hormonal disorders, cancers, thyroid disorders, obesity and metabolism dysregulation and issues with neurodevelopment. For my work in fertility and reproductive health generally these are a big issue I talk with my patients about. And, for the record, they impact women AND men.

In the US there is almost zero regulation of personal care products. The EU has banned over 1300 chemicals found in personal care products because of their harmful effects. The US has banned 11 chemicals.

So, what ARE these chemicals anyway?

  • Bisphenol-A (BPA) – found in plastic bottles and food storage containers

  • Dioxins – manufacturing waste products found in air from waste burning and wildfires

  • PFAs – found in firefighting foam, nonstick pans, paper and textile coatings

  • Phthalates – are used to make plastic more flexible and found in some food packaging, cosmetics, fragrances, children’s toys and medical devices

  • Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDE) – found in flame retardants for things like furniture foam and carpet

  • Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) – used to make electrical equipment

  • Phytoestrogens – natural occurring substances in plants that have hormone-like activity such as soy products like tofu and soy milk.

Some of these are easier to avoid than others. I found this list to be rather overwhelming but there are things you can do at home to reduce your exposure.

  • Swap plastics for glass and NEVER HEAT PLASTIC OR LEAVE IT IN YOUR CAR.

  • Stop using commercial pesticides at home or in your garden.

  • Replace cosmetics and body care products with clean alternatives (see below about the  Environmental Working Group resource).

  • Use whole house water filtration if possible or use a water filtration system with a good charcoal filter (I love my Berkey).

  • Eat fresh foods that are free of additives and preservatives.

  • Stop by pre-packaged foods and never heat takeout containers.

The Environmental Working Group has tons of great resources about this and many other environmental toxins. You can go on their website and check the personal care products you are currently using to see how safe they are.  Ideally you want a 1-2 (low hazard) rating for all of your products.

Clean products = healthy and happy body.


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