Acupuncture for Diminished Ovarian Reserve

Has your Reproductive Endocrinologist told you that you have diminished ovarian reserve (DOR)? I have lots of patients come in with this diagnosis.

Ovarian reserve is relative measure of how many eggs a person with ovaries has left. Common indicators for DOR are elevated FSH, elevated estradiol and diminished AMH. DOR can be due to things like age, genetics, autoimmune disease, a history of chemo, radiation or smoking or scar tissue from surgeries or endometriosis. Regardless of the cause it can feel hopeless and scary to get this diagnosis. 

While we cannot increase the number of eggs you have, acupuncture, herbal medicine, supplements and functional nutrition can all work to improve the quality of your remaining eggs by nurturing the “soil” they are maturing in. Eggs mature in 3 months cycles so taking at least three months to improve the environment eggs are maturing in can improve your chance of success with IVF or natural conception. Healthy eggs + healthy sperm = healthy conception and pregnancy. Our ultimate goal!

Additionally, while we are working to nurture the soil we can also address the root cause of DOR.

You don’t have to go through this alone. If you are in or near Longmont, Colorado you can schedule a free consultation to get started.

Next on your reading list:

Fertility Acupuncture: Everything You Need to Know

Does AMH Really Matter for Fertility?

Acupuncture Improves Poor Ovarian Response in IVF: Recent Research


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