Acupuncture Helps “Unexplained Infertility”

Have you been diagnosed with “unexplained infertility”? What the heck is that anyway? It basically means that based on your lab tests and physical findings they don’t know why you have not gotten pregnant yet. This is so frustrating to people trying to get pregnant! It’s been over a year and no one knows why so you don’t know what to do either.

Chinese Medicine excels in treating unexplained infertility because it is easily explainable to us! The way I look at the body and do diagnosis is different than Western Medicine. Internal imbalances that can contribute to infertility may not show up on lab tests but do show up clearly in your signs, symptoms and pulse. This allows me to address these patterns, or imbalances, in order to create optimal conditions for pregnancy.

I have a current patient that had 4 failed IUIs. All labs come back as being in the normal range. She was diagnosed with unexplained infertility and advised to move to IVF as her next step. She did not want to do IVF. I saw her weekly for 2 months for acupuncture and herbs to address the internal imbalances I could see were impacting fertility. She is now at the end of her first trimester with a health pregnancy. This is a fairly common scenario in my clinic.

Don’t get me wrong, I am a huge fan of assisted reproduction and am so glad it is available (and now covered by many insurance companies!). For many of my patients this is the only way they may achieve their dream of having a family and I am honored to support them throughout the process. But for other patients Chinese Medicine is what worked best for correcting hormone and other imbalances to support a healthy conception and pregnancy.

Have you been told you are unexplained infertility? Schedule your free consultation and we can chat! I’d love to help.


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