Acupuncture for Endometriosis
1 in 10 people who menstruate suffer from endometriosis. Endometriosis is a condition where tissue that is similar to the uterine lining grows elsewhere in the pelvis and body. This tissue, just like the uterine lining, is responsive to hormones and breaks down and bleeds with each menstrual cycle but has nowhere to exit. It can irritate the surrounding tissue and form scar tissue and adhesions. It often leads to chronic pelvic pain, painful periods, pain with intercourse and/or bowel movements, infertility, digestive upset, and more. However, there are many effective treatment tools such as acupuncture, herbal medicine, functional nutrition, and Maya abdominal therapy to reduce inflammation, balance hormones, and regulate the immune system to reduce the pain and symptoms of endometriosis. Read more about my top 10 holistic treatment strategies for endometriosis.
Symptoms associated with endometriosis we address:
Infertility and implantation failure
Painful menses
Heavy bleeding
Digestive upset
Find Greater Ease and Flow. Naturally.
“Karen is a life saver and my hero! I have been battling endometriosis all my adult life and have tried all western treatments and nothing has worked. In just a few months, my hormonal acne has cleared up, I'm in no pain and feeling comfortable in my own body.”
— Erin S-H., Longmont, Colorado