Holistic Care for Transgender Men with Endometriosis

Transgender men with endometriosis are profoundly underserved across healthcare settings. Really, trans men are underserved with regard to all reproductive health issues. Some small studies suggest that endometriosis may affect transgender men who report pelvic pain at a higher rate than cisgender women. But more research is needed to confirm that and to find out if that’s true for the larger gender-expansive community. 

Endometriosis is a chronic condition where tissue similar to the lining of the uterus grows outside of the uterus. Endometrial tissue can adhere to the fallopian tubes, ovaries, space between the uterus and the rectum or bladder, the uterine ligaments, the lining of the pelvic cavity and even the diaphragm.

1 in 10 people who menstruate suffer from endometriosis. Some people are symptom free and discover it because they are having a difficult time getting pregnant. Others suffer symptoms like painful menses, heavy bleeding, irregular cycles, spotting, bloating and painful sex and/or bowel movements, whole body inflammation and pervasive fatigue. Many people with endometriosis are dismissed by healthcare providers or just offered birth control which does not always help the symptoms and can create new ones. In fact, it takes 7-10 years for people with endometriosis to get a diagnosis…a time frame that is likely even longer for transgender men.

Endometriosis is an inflammatory disease. Even if someone has a hysterectomy they can continue to suffer from endometriosis. Even if someone is taking testosterone and has stopped menstruating the constellation of common symptoms that make up endometriosis can continue to be present. It’s not uncommon for trans men with endo who take testosterone to have break through bleeding and cramping.

There is no cure for endometriosis but having excision surgery to remove the endometrial tissue can provide significant relief of all symptoms. Acupuncture, herbal medicine and Maya abdominal therapy can also support you with symptom relief. You have a right to care in a safe, supportive and affirming environment.

If you are are in or near Longmont, Colorado and are looking for safe, holistic, supportive care I’d love for you to book a free 15-minute consultation so we can see if we are a good fit.

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10 Holistic Strategies for Endometriosis

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