Acupuncture Offers Relief for Endometriosis
1 in 10 people who menstruate suffer from endometriosis. Some people are symptom free and discover it because they are having a difficult time getting pregnant. Others suffer symptoms like painful menses, heavy bleeding, irregular cycles, spotting, bloating and painful sex (just to name a few). Many people with endometriosis are dismissed by healthcare providers or just offered birth control which does not always help the symptoms and can create new ones.
The average time to diagnosis for people with endometriosis is 7-10 YEARS. Often times teens with painful cycles, GI issues, pelvic pain are shrugged off as having "normal" fluctuating hormones and being overly dramatic. This delay in diagnosis can impact reproductive function and later fertility. I have so many patients that are now in their 30s and trying to manage the disease and address fertility challenges that had all these symptoms beginning in their teen years.
Some good news? Acupuncture can stop the pain and manage other symptoms of endometriosis by stimulating the body to release endorphins (chemical messages that block pain and increase feelings of well-being), increase circulation, regulate the nervous system and balance hormones. Research has demonstrated that acupuncture reduces pain and lowers serum CA-125 levels (a marker of inflammation) in people with endometriosis. Less pain + less inflammation = better quality of life.
A recent (2023) study on the gut microbiome and endometriosis found a significant correlation between certain gut microbiome patterns and endometriosis diagnosis. In this study they were able to give mice endo by transplanting the microbiome of endometriosis mice to non-endometriosis mice. Whoa. So, what does this mean for you if you have endo? That supporting a healthy gut microbiome is a kay part of your wellness strategy. This is something I work with my patients on anyway since endo is an inflammatory condition and the gut microbiome can either mediate or accentuate inflammation.
Inflammation + high estrogen levels make endometriosis worse. Your diet can influence both...for better or worse. Your body removes excess estrogen in your stool so eating enough fiber so that you have a healthy daily bowel movement is key. An anti-inflammatory diet is also important. Omega-3 fats (fatty fish, nuts, seeds) help reduce inflammation. Things like alcohol, caffeine, processed foods, gluten, cow dairy and sugary drinks all make inflammation worse. Magnesium can help reduce cramping. The good news? Chocolate is rich in magnesium. Just eat dark chocolate and probably not the whole bar at once ;-)
Endometriosis is a chronic, progressive inflammatory condition with clear abnormalities of the immune system and immune response. Acupuncture, herbal medicine, supplements and an anti-inflammatory diet all work to reduce inflammation and regulate the immune system. While there is no cure for endometriosis you can get relief from your symptoms and shift the hormonal, inflammatory and immune system aspects of the disease.
If you are in or near Longmont, Colorado and are looking for relief from endo schedule a free consultation and we can talk.
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