Acupuncture Helps Allergy Sufferers
It’s the Spring Equinox and for many of us this is the harbinger of runny noses, scratchy throats, watery eyes and sinus headaches. Did you know that acupuncture can help all of that?
My first experience of acupuncture felt like a miracle. I had moved to Atlanta from Michigan and my allergies went crazy. From March to November I had daily horrendous sinus headaches. I wanted to rip out my teeth from the pressure. I tried everything: various medications, over a year of allergy shots, neti pot rinses, sinus steams, you name it. I had my sinus cavities scoped. Nothing helped. The side effects of the allergy medications were almost as bad as the sinus pressure; I walked around like a zombie or felt like a squirrel on speed depending on which one I was taking. Finally a friend suggested that I try acupuncture. It sounded weird but I was desperate (sound familiar?). The relief was not immediate but once it arrived it was lasting and oh so sweet. These days my symptoms are pretty mild and I manage them with some herbs and occasional treatments.
If you suffer from spring (or anytime!) allergies acupuncture can make a big difference in your life. The best time to get started is a month out from when you typically start having reactions.
If you have the scratchy throat-runny nose-watery eyes-sinus congestion blues give yourself the gift of allergy relief and schedule an appointment at Karuna Acupuncture in Longmont, Colorado today!