When Should I Start Receiving Acupuncture for Fertility?
I get this question a lot at my Longmont, CO acupuncture clinic. The answer depends on several factors. I will break it down for women going through natural cycles, for women going through IVF cycles and for male partners.
For women trying to get pregnant naturally the timeline is influenced by any underlying conditions that may be impacting fertility such as endometriosis, Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, blockage of the fallopian tubes, PCOS and other ovulatory disorders, diminished ovarian reserves, etc. The amount of time it may take to resolve these conditions varies on the nature of the condition. The minimum amount of time will likely be 3 months of regular acupuncture and herbal therapy. For women with no known underlying conditions I still recommend at least 3 months of regular acupuncture to regulate the menstrual cycle (and therefore the hormones).
If you are considering IUI or IVF I recommend women start receiving acupuncture at least 6 weeks prior to starting the IUI/IVF process to regulate hormones and address any underlying issues. Sometimes women become pregnant naturally during this time! There are many research articles showing benefit to acupuncture with IVF. You can read more about acupuncture and IVF here.
Approximately 40% of infertility will have a male factor diagnosis. Low sperm counts can be due to environmental pollutants, certain pharmaceuticals, age, chronic disease, constriction and heat. Unlike women who are born with all of their eggs men are continually creating new sperm. It take about 3 months for sperm to fully mature so having acupuncture during this time can help improve sperm counts.
Wondering what to expect in your case? Call 720-745-1120 to schedule a free consultation!